If your business accepted Visa and/or Mastercard between 2004 – 2019, You’re now eligible to claim your share of a $5.5 billion Settlement.

Golden Key is ready to assist our customers in filing compensation claims in collaboration with our dedicated accountants. The submission period is nearing its end. We are committed to helping you assert your rightful claims.

Key Information

1. Background of the Lawsuit:

  • This lawsuit was filed against Visa and MasterCard for imposing excessively high credit card fees (Interchange Fees) on merchants.
  • Merchants claimed that Visa and MasterCard set these fees in a manner that restricts competition, causing undue financial burden on the merchants.

2. Lawsuit Progress:

  • The lawsuit was first filed in 2005, and multiple lawsuits were consolidated into a large class-action lawsuit.
  • After years of legal battles, Visa and MasterCard reached a settlement in 2012. However, some plaintiffs were dissatisfied with the settlement terms, and the lawsuit continued.
  • In September 2018, a new settlement agreement was reached, including a settlement amount ranging from $5.5 billion. This settlement covered credit card transactions from January 2004 to January 2019.

3. Settlement Details:

  • This settlement includes compensation from Visa and MasterCard for past credit card fees charged to merchants.
  • It also includes some changes to the future fee-charging methods.

4. Eligibility and Application Method:

  • Phone: 888-992-1715
  • Apply: settlement@goldenkeypos.com

5. Compensation Amount:

  • The compensation amount varies depending on the size of the business filing the final claim.
  • A portion of the settlement amount will be used for litigation and attorney fees.

* Application Deadline: February 4, 2025
* Contact: 888-992-1715

Application form

    *Note to all claimants: Please be advised that you have the right to file your claim independently. The court does not mandate the use of any third-party filing services. Claims can be processed with either class counsel or the claims administrator without additional fees. To file your claims independently, please visit www.paymentcardsettlement.com

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